Category: Reviews
Reviews of games (video and otherwise), movies, books, whatever.
Iron Man 2: Maximum Sexism
Wherein I review a movie about a rich guy with expensive toys who treats women like objects.
Avatar: Relentless Cliche Assault
Wherein I talk mad shit about a popular film by one of my favorite directors.
Mass Effect 2
Wherein I review a game about a space opera.
Wherein I review a game about not being eaten. Cooperatively.
Assassin’s Creed 2: Stupidly Fun Stabbification
Wherein I review another game about stabbing. In Italy.
Call It Doody. No, Seriously.
Wherein I shit on a popular shooting game.
Modern Warfare 2, First Thoughts
Wherein I start shitting on a popular shooting game.
2012: Disaster Porn of the Four-X Kind
Wherein I compare Roland Emmerich to a porn auteur.
The Ballad of Gay Tony: Brotherly Love and STILL Not In That Way
Wherein I review another expansion of a big-ass game about criminality.
Brütal Legend: a Love Letter to the Trüe Metal
Wherein I review a game about heavy metal.