Category: Reviews
Reviews of games (video and otherwise), movies, books, whatever.
Beatles Rockband: I Wanna Hold Your Hand
Wherein I review a game about being a mop-top.
Arkham Asylum: Metroid Prime with Batarangs
Wherein I review a game about the goddamned Batman.
Don’t Wall Me In: The Sims 3
Wherein I review a game about virtual dollhouses.
Wherein I review a game in which the player is the villain.
Star Trek
Wherein I review the space where no one has gone before.
Watchmen: The City is Afraid of Me. I’ve Seen It’s Face.
Wherein I review a movie about one of my favorite comics.
Down and Out in Liberty City: Examining Character Arcs
Wherein I talk about character arcs in Grand Theft Auto.
The Lost and the Damned: Brotherly Love But Not In That Way
Wherein I review a game about bikers.
Looking for My Donkey: Prince of Persia
Wherein I review a game about climbing things.
Left 4 Dead: Zombie Horror in 4 Acts
Wherein I review a game about not being eaten.