Category: Reviews
Reviews of games (video and otherwise), movies, books, whatever.
Death Race: A Review
Wherein I review a movie about a future where Republicans are in control.
It’s Like Killing a Unicorn: Pineapple Express
Wherein I review a movie about getting stoned.
Blah, Blah, Mummies
Wherein I review a movie that I hated.
Geometry Wars 2
Wherein I review a game that is very very very very fast.
The Man Who Laughs
Wherein I review an excellent film about making sacrifices.
Hancock. Meh.
Wherein I review a movie about a drunk super-hero.
Ho-ho-ho. Green GI-ANT.
Wherein I review a movie about a Jekyll and Hyde story.
Lego Indiana Jones
Wherein I review a game about Lego adventurers.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Wherein I review a movie that does not exist.
I Hate You, Dmitri Rascalov
Wherein I talk even more about Grand Theft Auto IV.